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Hayley's School Holiday Must Haves

Hayley's School Holiday Must Haves

I am one of those mums who piles the pressure onto myself to create all the memories and always have 'the best day' 'the best school holidays' but when I asked Ella to make a list of what she wanted to do this summer, (expecting it to be full of expensive days out!) she wrote a sleepover with her cousin and to paint, which we already do most weekends. I reset and thought about my favourite times as a child, the first that always comes to mind is my mum making breakfast in a picnic hamper and tea in a flask then taking me to Stannah park to have a breakfast picnic, I'll never forget that morning with mum. Playing cricket with dad, sewing with Grandma and cutting out the old Argos catalogue & sticking with my nan, those were all my favourite days. 

So with that in mind we're planning on doing lots of exploring, visiting family, baking, crafting and definitely lots of cuddles. I have put together a list of my school holiday must haves, little things which I think make life easier or a little more comfortable.

1. Tallulah Backpack...If you've followed Blossom  for a while you will know that this bag is my favourite item ever! I've had mine now around 5 years and it's been VERY well used, it just gets better the more it's loved. There really is space for everything when you're on a day out, it comfortable to wear and best of all it's not Paw Patrol or Peppa Pig print! 


2. I like to use one of the little leather coin purses to set a daily budget when we're on days out or visiting a shop where the girls have asked for something. I physically put cash/coins in the purse and then they're in charge of how it gets spent and know that once the purse is empty that's it for the day. This works well with things like the Fayre then it's their choice whether it's one last ride or an ice cream. 


3. Magic trousers...being comfortable is top of my priority list always but especially when I'm out or off with the kids. I don't want to be adjusting all day or conscious I just want to be comfortable and free climb, run (well more of a funny jog), skip and twirl around. Magic trousers are exactly what they say, Magic! It really does feel like you haven't got anything on, they have pockets and the elasticated waistband is just a dream! Lots of colours available, these are a must have!


4. Wellies...Our days out usually involve puddles or mud, (especially since Mia came along!) so a good, comfortable pair of wellies is very important. Our Evercreature wellies are available in three lengths, ankle, short and long and they also have an adjustable gusset for anyone who struggles with wellies around their calves. 


5. Jewellery...this one might sound a bit odd but I find that just one piece of jewellery that is very me, even just one of the My Doris bracelets just makes me feel a little more like me and not just Mum. Even when i'm covered in mud, wearing tatty old clothes and I haven't brushed my hair in days, a little touch like that makes all the difference. 


6. Caroline Gardner overnight bag...Even if you're not going away over night, this bag is a fabulous size for a day out. There's space for a change of clothes, snacks, sun cream, all the essentials and it can be carried either with the grab handles or over the shoulder. 


7. Comfortable shoes...A must have! Whether you're walking miles around the zoo or out for a bike ride, it's so important to have comfortable footwear. Our Lunar trainers all have an incredible, padded insole and they are very lightweight!


8. A good book...It may seem laughable at some points in the school holidays but I always like to have a good book to hand whether it's in the car, by the side of he bed or even in the utility room where I often hide! If by magic the little ones fall asleep in the car or you manage to get 5 minutes of me time, I find getting lost in a good book is a great way to relax and recharge. Don't forget we have our lending library in the boutique, full of fabulous reads.


Whatever your summer holidays may consist of i hope you enjoy and create lots of fabulous memories, just remember not to put too much pressure on yourself, Instagram parenting is not real life! x  

I would love to hear your school holiday top tips/recommendations in the comments! May the force be with you this summer!

Hayley x 


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