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Best week ever - best job ever.

Best week ever - best job ever.
Well what a week. Its been a work - not work, week for me and that always spells trouble. Phil and I have been back to Anstruther and the surrounding areas for rest, recuperation and inspiration. It really does help to step back from it all to take a good look at what is out there. Most of the time we go week to week doing what we love very happily but we dont get time to look around and be inspired by things that just happen rather than searching for them. My thoughts at this time are very much on styling and sustainabilty, so creating small but perfectly formed "wardrobes" for each season or feeling. I often go into work wear, my dungarees and soft roll necks at this time of year and Im amazed at how comfortable and warm and content I am with the same look each day with a slight twist to my outfit, not to mention the huge reduction in the size of my washing pile! Win win. So from today onwards its all about the "reveal" - what we have learned and how we take that forward and add new sparkle to our business. I hope we manage to add some sparkle to your Blossom purchases, lets see. - Much love, Caroline x

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